I just completed some testing and wanted to share my findings.
On the Valcom 2006A unit there are two jacks, J7 and J9. These are intended for stringing multiple Valcom units together so you can do a master page all. The jacks work like this: Pins 1&2 are a contact closure... they close when there is an all call page, and closing them makes an all call page. Pins 3&4 are audio... both in and out.
So, by hooking pins 1&2 to one of the relays on the Comdial (I picked relay 3), assigning that relay to the paging zone, then putting the page output of the pbx to pins 3&4 I have a fully working system... I can have background music on the BGM input, and the page overrides it. The "All Call" page button on the Comdial sets comes out of the Valcom speakers, complete with the double beep. And the zone paging CO trunks still operate normally.
The only problem is that the audio coming from the page port on the PBX is rather loud, I installed a simple volume control potentiometer on that line to solve the problem.
Here's the one I got for $6 off Amazon. There is a volume adjustment on the Valcom, but turning it down there made CO line pages too quiet.
PS: The Valcom's paging precedence is (from highest to lowest): Page Override, Page, All Call (J7/J9), Background Music.