I added 10-58 Set local network area of DT800/DT700, the correct ip range sub yes 16 million range for 10 devices(don't ask)

Added 84-13-28: Sip Trunk Codec Setup - Audio Capability Priority to G.711_PT
So all codecs are running the same.
Those changes made no difference
Yeah it's something to do with the router/routing I think PFSense had QOS running in its software its called Traffic Shaping. Two pieces to it actually bandwidth throttle and prioritizing types of traffic.
What I did for testing was to get a baseline before any changes. I would run one or two outbound calls to a number that automatically started talking recordings 858-651-5050 if you ever need it for any reason great way to test or go insane whichever better then calling up your wife and making her help you.
Within 10 minutes I would get a choppiness that was really bad, the timing was random would be at minute one or minute 4 or whenever it would be bad for about 30 seconds then clear right back up.
with that at least pinpointed that routing/reshaping of packets or the ISP connection(highly unlikely) is the problem because of VOIP/RDP when packets get out of order because of timing instead of sorting them or resending it will just toss those packets out causing the choppiness. Getting this big of an issue because the router is was either set incorrectly or too many QOS rules being applied. I really need to remove the pfsense out of the picture for a good test.
I disabled all the QOS'ing on pf as best I could but I think it's still imposing something even though I can check monitoring graphs of the QOS and in real time on it and see nothing happening. I believe it either remedied it or made it like 80% better in my testing.