Posted By: RWK CIX670 - Forwarded phones not going to voicemail - 10/07/10 02:12 PM
Hello! I'm helping a customer with a CIX670 system installed by another provider. The issue we're having is: When a phone is forwarded to another extension, and the call is not answered, the call just rings and is never sent to the original recipients voicemail. Any thoughts or ideas would be greatly appreciated!

Enable call forward cascade in System data.
Does the second phone have a fwd to voicemail set?
Yes, the second phone has fwd to voicemail set. The way we want it to work (which seems to make sense) is that if phone 1 is forwarded to phone 2, and phone 2 doesn't answer, the caller should end up in phone 1's voicemail. Will call forward cascade do this?
Looks like "Enable call forward cascade in System data" did it! Thanks newtechy!
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