
I got two SMT-5230s on eBay. They are loaded with SCME software:

(2013.02.20 10:00)

(2013.01.11 10:00)

No USB port on these phones.

Any bomb proof instructions on how to get these loaded with OfficeServ software?

I might be wrong, when you connect them to an officeserv and do the the set up on the phone it will ask what system SCME or I think OfficeServ is something odd like KPP anyway choose whatever isn't SCME and they should come up.
Nope, I need to upgrade the firmware to OfficeServ, it's on SCME SIP
I've heard you have to send this into Samsung repair to get it switch back to OfficeServ. I have about 10 that I need to get switched back to OfficeServ if anyone has figured this out.
I believe bretthaze is correct. I remember at least on the SMT.i6XXX phones, you can go from Officeserv to SCM, but not backwards - unless it goes to repair.
if they say Officeserv on the plastic you can through TFTP.

i have swapped back and forth on models.
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