Thanks every one for your replies. I'm in the middle here; it takes me awhile to respond, I have to hand off the replies to the IT guys and wait for their response.

Yes we do have the correct IP Address for the SX-200, it's not the Defalt, it's been changed to

The Vendor can access and "Administer" the 200ICP via secure telnet; but only from inside our location.

What we are trying to accomplish is "Remote Access" so we don't have to pay 2hrs. "Travel Time" every time we need to make a small adjustment.

What our IT guys think is that the SX-200 has some type of internal "Router / Interface" that it connects to the actual phones with, a diffrent IP then the

They think our "In Bound" Ping is being replyed back to via that diffrent internal "Default Gateway".

Are we missing a piece of the puzzle? Would the Mitel 200 NSU have some part to play?