Originally posted by ringtone:
Just a few more posts and we will be over 100.

Earlier I asked about a dialing delay when I make calls from a phone on my CTX100 system. Someone rightly told me that if I eliminated the delay, I would lose the redial button. I know someone with a DK16 system. This system has a redial button and no delay. Anyone know why?

- John
I know the delay you are talking about. I am pretty sure it is buffering the first couple digits so that the telco be ready to recieve the DTMF tones. I'm guessing this is the primary reason for the delay. Plus the CTX is always proccess the dialed digits to make sure you are making a valid call.

I worked on a DK system where the guy was dialing too fast and telco was missing the first digit, and he made a lot of wrong number calls.

If you set the trunks to "Immediate Cut Through" then there should not be a delay, but redial will not work.