I'm hoping someone here can help guide me. I'm new to this particular company...been here about 6 months. Thus far, I've barely had to touch the phone system, which is good, cause I don't know much about it. The previous tech didn't leave me very good notes either.

I've got a CTX100. The eManager software is installed under a separate user account on another employee's PC. This is an inconvenience, so I wanted to install the app on my own PC for ease of access.

I managed to locate a disc labeled "eManager", so I popped that in and followed the prompts to install. I've now got an icon for Strata eManager 4.12 (probably out of date software by now).

I managed to locate the login and password for the system, which logs me in, but there is no CTX system listed under "Select CIX/CTX System" screen.

When I go this route on the other PC, I can choose the CTX system, but it fails to connect (device failed to respond, or something to that effect).

So I guess I have to somehow add the CTX device to my system in order to connect to it. Will doing so wipe out any existing settings from the other PC where eManager is installed?

Sorry for all the questions. Like I said, I'm new to the company and new to phone systems, so I'm trying to take all of this one step at a time. Thanks for any advice.