I think that is an InstallShield error. Could be your antivirus software interfering with the installation, or a previous incomplete installation/uninstallation.

Try the install with antivirus disabled, obviously disable for the minimum length of time needed to try the install and don't use other programs with it disabled.

Alternatively, if you are happy poking around in the workings of Windows, look in the "C:\Program Files\InstallShield Installation Information" folder. There are likely to be a bunch of folder names which are GUIDs in the form {xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx} - have a look through all of these for setup.ini files and check the contents for a mention of Samsung Officserv. For any which do rename the folder, just add an extra character to the folder name so it can easily be restored, and try the install again.

Note that deleting or editing these folders or their contents will make it impossible to remove or repair the program which created the folder so make sure any changes you make can be reversed.