WOW! Thanks for the great post, Ed - I really appreciate it.

At this time, I'm not sure exactly what kind of cable it is as I haven't had a chance to pick it up yet. My friend assures me that it will provide for my needs.

I did a bit of research on the building entrance terminals ... I'm seeing prices in the $500-$800 range per box; is that about right? We're a very small, rural Catholic church. I completely agree about proper protection, and if I were in a well-funded church, I wouldn't think of sparing the cost, but $1,600 is a cost that we can't afford right now.

I would, however, think that we could do the IROBs to provide at least a bit of protection to the phone sets and the KSU. I'm not exactly sure how they work, though. Do you need one IROB device per pair, or is it one device per set?

Thanks again for the help, Ed.