Yeah and the best partners were 1 right-handed and 1 left-handed. Really land those 25pr's when 2 of you can work elbow to elbow! Remember walking into 2nd floor equipment room to do a little work on a Tie Meritor when some people were still buying 1A2's. Two guys in there, Stoned Out Of Their Minds, could hardly talk. I was a heavy smoker, or I'd have choked to death. Seems their company had NO concept of how long it took to put in a 6-station 1A2 system, they were done and had another whole day allotted for them to finish the job. They just hadn't put the 400 cards in for keeps. Everything was connected and tested, but without the cards in place and with PS unplugged,all was "cool". The company shall remain unnamed, but when the "gravy" days of early interconnect ended, so did they! John C. (Not Garand)

When I was young, I was Liberal. As I aged and wised up, I became Conservative. Now that I'm old, I have settled on Curmudgeon.