Originally Posted by Rcaman
Go here for Florida: https://www.psc.state.fl.us/utilities/telecomm/
Each state regulates telecommunications rates as well as competition.


So are you saying that the local loop/last mile is still somewhat regulated at the local level ?

I know that with comcast, they let them get away with murder. I am not sure if anyone is really regulating them even if the state is listed on the bill as a contact for regulation.

When I call, they claim they have no ability to regulate them.

Wondering is the same is true for telecom companies for business if they are basically allowed to charge whatever they want to CLECS.

I just know that around 2002, there was competition and currenly there is only a single monopoly ILEC for my residential service.
(Lucky I am grandfathered into FDN/NUVOX/Windstream) however they refuse to provide any residential service to my friends and family unless they have been granted a monopoly in the area.

So much for competition in the marketplace.

I guess they should of just repealed the entire 1996 telecommunication act if going to let the ILEC charge whatever they want for a local loop and kill the competition.

Is anyone in this forum work for a small ISP or does anyone know if there is a forum for CLEC who knows the inside track to how this local loop business work?

I would love to know.
