The original inspiration behind the R7 was only to take the R6 and put two more CO lines and another extension on that same package making a 5x9 out of the 3x8 R6. This apparently was to make an economical standalone solution for those popular 4 or 5 line by 9 or less extension systems. Previously if you needed more than 3 lines or 8 extensions you would have to add a carrier and an expansion module to the R6.

Problem is they went overboard over in Elbonia where they design this stuff. (Read Dilbert if you want to know where Elbonia is. wink ) Instead of just adding a few new ports they played with the software and made other changes too and totally screwed it up. The height of incompetance was when they put it into production without simple testing so they didn't even noticing that it had major problems.

It doesn't end there though. When they start getting them back they come out with a patch that fixes the original problem but causes another. Then they create a patch for that problem that causes yet another problem and the situation hasn't been resolved yet.

It does need an exorcist. The damn thing spits pea soup out of it's card slot and spins around all by itself.


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