The TWC tech, cut the line cord going to the 500 set, right between the phone and the terminal block on the wall. I walked my friend thru wiring the cord I sent him, spade tip/modular, and he plugged it in the "new" modular jack, and its dead! This line worked before the TWC tech got to it. I think the tech caused an open, maybe while back feeding the line back out to the customer interface, to supply dial tone to the house. From what my friend tells me, this house is wired mostly old school. Two other 500 sets are hard wired in the house. The tech probably disturbed the line in question, and cause an open. The twisted pair in that house might be VERY old. Maybe he thought he would get lucky, by replacing the terminal block? I had my friend plug the 500 set, he wired, into the tel 1 port on the box that gives you dial tone, and the 500 set works fine. This guy screwed up, and ran!