It sounds like the PBX is in "Key Mode" rather than "Hybrid/PBX Mode". Key Mode duplicates what used to be called a "squared system" where every line appears on every phone. Take that one line away and it goes away everywhere.

I've never understood why Avaya implemented Key Mode as Hybrid/PBX can PERFECTLY emulate Key Mode without the kind of hassle you're talking about.

If you've got a console, touch the hard "Menu" key (upper lefthand side), then use the softkeys to drill down to SysProg, Start. I don't think there are any other keys you need to press before you get to a screen that tells you who the Operator is and what "mode" you're in.

Just verify that you're in Key Mode, please. We can fix it from there.

"Press play and record at the same time" -- Tim Alberstein