Thanks for all the advice. One thing of interest is that when you press the message button the display states "No Message" and there are no other options so the user is pretty much dead in the water with what to do next.

As far as I can remember this is only the second time this has happened in 2 years and at different sites. The other time was on a SX2000 Light and while I was scratching my head it just disappeared one night after an Activity Switch. This time was a little different as it was a MicroLight, so no activity switch. It just wouldn't go away.

I've taken the advice of jimmyv and followed the MOVE SWAP path. This has worked, so I'm happy with that. The only problem now is if I ever need to use that PLID will the problem re-appear. Not to worry though, they've got plenty of spare PLIDS and I don't expect their staff numbers will be growing at any stage soon.

Thanks again for all the advice.

