Regarding my topic of March 25 - NRU and a FastRAD. First of all thanks to Dan for all of his help. The customer called back and said that if they forget to press the night service key to send the voice mail straight to the CCR and if they forget to do a F84 to redirect their DIDs because they would be in such a panic, can I dial in remotely and call forward the DIDs to an external number? I told them the best thing to do is call the telco and get them to do it but they want to know if it can be done from the RAD so it will save money. I would only have to redirect 5 or 6 DIDs at the most. The funny thing is that I've already installed this thing, haven't been paid for it, now they are asking what this thing will do so they can decide if they need it but they've had it for a few months already. Kind of makes me wonder why they didn't ask me for any of this info when I put it in. Anyway, any more help would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance,