I backup behind a static connection. I created a shared folder called Backup (you can call it anything) in my laptop. Open the BRU utility tab in the Unified Manager and create a new volume (follow the help template to the letter or it won't work) you will need to include your laptop name and shared folder name. Once it sees your laptop, it will ask for your user name and password to your laptop. If you do multiple backups, you will want to rename the backup folders in your shared folder but remember that to do a restore you will need to rename it exactly as it was saved. Hope I didn't leave anything out as this is from memory. If you fool with a BCM much, you might consider checking out the BCM-Norstar group in yahoo. For technical posts only.

NCSS NCTS NCTE CS1000E 5.5 CallPilot 5.0
MITEL 5000 3300 NuPoint

"If I had known it would turn out like this, I would have become a locksmith"
Albert Einstein