Originally posted by JWRacedog:
Sometimes, well meaning techs or maint men start screwing that top screw in...what happens is that the top half comes out a bit--or the amphenol just becomes loose.
Fortunately, I had a customer who wanted to move his MICS system from another state to my town. Had someone remove the whole plywood with all the equipment still on it, then shipped it to me in my office.
Whoever installed this system used hex head screws. But worse than that, he took apart the amphenol cables, un-did them as far as he had to, then put a screw in the amphenol bottom end and screwed both top AND bottom of each cable to the MICS. Then he tried putting it back together and ended up cutting out some of the plastic housing to get it back over the cable and made it look like nothing was wrong with it. Couldn't figure out why the stupid cable would not come off the MICS. Talk about stupid !!!!!!
I say at the beginning,"Fortunately", because I would have been in big trouble trying to take that all apart if I was on a customer site.

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