System is an MICS w/CP150.

Client called to complain that they couldn't receive messages at the main phone (Ext. 221, MB 100).

Once on scene, I logged-in to the General Delivery Mailbox...which stated "Mailbox Full"...3075 new messages eek !!! Apparently, the new receptionist was more interested in polishing her nails than answering the phone or checking messages.

Now if this were any other mailbox, I would delete it and start over. can't delete the Gen. Delivery MB.

We calculated, at 2.5 secs. per message (FF/ERASE...FF/ERASE), it will take appx. 2 weeks (24/7) to delete all these messages.

Defaulting the system would be a nightmare. Large telemarketing center with many mailboxes/saved messages, etc. Backing-up then defaulting is what I'm thinking, but still would be a pain.

Any ideas? I'm :confused: & :bang:

D. Ocean
Miami, FL