Use F62 for testing - that way you don't go over the phones.
You should be able to put your butt set on the pins and hear the page, or use your Toner magic wand and hear the page.
You should also hear a "CLICK" inside the MICS when you page.
If you don't hear anything with any of these tests, you probably have a bad port.

I don't think there is any "FIX" to do except replace the MICS.

It wouldn't be something simple like you are counting down to the 15th pair, but someone put the wrong pair on the pins ??? Verify the wire colors.

OR It wouldn't be something simple like you are connecting to the TRUNK amphenol cable???
You should be on the Second STATION AMP cable - the one in the middle.

If CON is the opposite of PRO
Then what is the opposite of Progress?