Its an Automatic Electric system with the strowger switches. The switch cabinets are still there but the ringer motors, etc were scavenged years ago. We need 50 to 60 extensions. We have a group of living history interpreters that come in 4 times a year and they can call between offices using the original AE phones. That fills up the 123210 I have right now. I want to add a second so the maintenance guys can call around for assistance, a wrench, whatever using the LH guys phones or, if its not visible (like in an engine room), I'm just hooking up whatever cheap analog phones we can get. I was just intrigued by the idea of interconnecting 2 1232s to make one big switch. I think we can be happy cross-connecting them until everything starts to break and we can upgrade to -7s. One last question, how many SLT modules can a 1232 use? Terry
PS, it was REALLY cool the first time we got an original phone ringing onboard.