I know the devices for sharing a line between a fax machine, voice, & modem etc... have been discussed often and I've seen the "Stick" and I've installed a device made by Command Communications in a few locations.

I remember seeing something about an inexpensive device that was to be installed at every phone and pc that would supposedly prevent interruptions but for the life of me I can't recall who made it.
Anyone know about it?

FYI here's what I'm faced with.
In this particular situation there is no fax or voice involved.
The customer is sharing a line between a two pc's and a credit card machine. All of them are for outbound calls only. The pc causing the problem is the property of the state of Texas so doing anything to it other than plugging the phone line into it is out of the question.
This is one of those machines that dials out when the customer puts an inspection sticker on a vehicle and associates the vin number with the inspection sticker serial number supposedly to prevent sticker piracy.
My customer is hacked off because he was told by the state he would not have to spend any additional money and that sharing the line would be no problem.
Now that a problem is occurring the tech support people told him to just unplug the credit card machine until they actually need to run a credit card or pay for a dedicated line. DUH. mad

The problem he's having is that the state computer does not always dial out immediately when a new sticker is scanned, therefore, he can't look to make sure no one is running a credit card before scanning a new sticker.