I did find some errors in programming but nothing that will solve my situation. Here are more facts about the situation. The lines that ring in to the depts. are phantom lines (281 to 287). The operator is 280. I have 7 mailboxes on the system, all in the 100's. When a call comes in, a digit is dialed to get to a particular department. If no one answers, they want the call to go to the operator (phantom line 280) which appears on all the phones. They do not want it to go to voicemail. Unless I'm wrong (not a long shot) you can't call forward a phantom nor can you delay ring it on another extension. Ideal situation: Extensions with mailboxes go to voicemail after 4 or 5 rings. Department and Operator lines (phantom lines) ring until someone picks up. I playe with FXD in the VPS but it seems to affect all the extensions. Will it work at all? JD