This is a little off Panasonic topic but thought i'd share .I had a very hostile TDA client today booked me to move the 5 voice,3 fax and CC and Data line all Verizon Biz pots lines over to Time Warner Biz Class . The Techie shows up and installs an Arris 512 unit and puts up a connecterized RJ21X and marks it properly and he announces that I am fit to go(I figuire the port was accomplished and VZE is dead) and I say cool beans so I start plucking cross connects off one by one and get the 5 voice lines real quick onto the TW block and customer comes down and starts screaming at me that I cut off his call and I say I don't know how that is possible because I am watching my test 7636 that is sitting on the battery backup and there were no lines lit on it the whole time I made the swap .......! (I am thinking that when the actual porting was accomplished he may have got bounced off but at this point I didn't care) So there are 3 fax machines in this place so I go to the first one and I lift the hand set and I am surprised to find that I have dialtone I anacked the line and then I ran down stairs and sure enough I come to realize that somehow I had dual service from the 2 carriers (I'll stop here!!)

My question is can I expect that every time warner
swap I do in the future will have an overlap like this or was this a fluke of nature?