It's a digital "4 button" phone (closer to 24, but they only count programmable). I think they still sell them, but barely. The wiring going to the phone is basically cat 5, with the extra two pairs taped off (put in before my time). I have no idea which other phone it's paired with.

I do know that the toner was only checking the one pair. I think I can set it to check the other, which I will do tomorrow or Wednesday. We definitely do not have a PCP programmer. I am the tech department for the entire district (3 schools, 1100 students, 100 staff, 500 computers (about 1/2 macs), 14 servers, ~125 phones (1/2 Cisco IP, 1/2 telrad)).

As for the paired phone, it has been out since just before school let out this summer (about three weeks before I started here). So if it looks like a wiring problem cutting line and putting a modular jack there may be a good idea after all- it would at least allow me to cut the problem in half. If a phone works at the junction box I know it's in the 2nd half, if it doesn't I know it's in the first or it's a problem with the other phone.

It still seems odd to me that it could be a problem with the line but the phone would still have power at all.

[This message has been edited by ccsd (edited August 02, 2004).]