Here is a log I have, it says the password is empty, but I have a password in the phone.

############## Context switch :3076 ------> 25626 ##############
May 12 10:26:48 TECH trace PASSWOR IS [] DN[1116]
May 12 10:26:48 TECH trace IPC phone is requesting admission...
############## Context switch :25626 ------> 13326 ##############
May 12 10:26:48 80152 error CardMsgHandler::onDataMsg | SPID_ID_REJECT: redirect IP[a0000f1 ]PORT[c549] use_mac[0]
############## Context switch :13326 ------> 25626 ##############
May 12 10:26:48 TECH trace IPC phone was rejected [DN=1116] replyCode[7] redirectIP[a0000f1] redirectPort[50505] relayPort[6000] use mac[0]
May 12 10:26:48 TECH trace NONCE[59][0][35][1a][a][5]
May 12 10:26:48 TECH trace NONCE[c][5][b][ff][ff][ff]
May 12 10:26:48 TECH trace NONCE[ff][ff][ff][ff]
############## Context switch :25626 ------> 3076 ##############
May 12 10:26:48 DEVICES error ST30TransportResource::ProcessST30PMsg Empty password detetced DN[1116]
############## Context switch :3076 ------> 25626 ##############