[B]if you have room on the 8 phones why dont you assign more phamtom #s like 501,2,3,4, etc put them on the phones and add them to a hunt group so they hunt thru and back to 500

I had done something similar to get around the problem for now. As we have three main groups that get transferred to, Sales, Tech Support, and Cust Service, I have 3 PhDns 500-502, with one appearance each on the phones. Although the same staff for the most part handles all the calls, it allows them to know what they are dealingbefore they answer, also we also have a different ringing priority for some phantoms on different phones. The problem is that with 3 different groups thats a LOT of buttons dedicate to each category. With the larger systems you can have hundreds of phones, I feel like I must be missing something if one Phantom can't have multiple incoming calls without resorting to Hunt Groups.