An update on installing eManager 5 -


I spent 3 hours on the phone with tech support after I tried to install it unsuccessfully. Had two techs plus an engineer on the phone with me while they took opver my laptop to try and figure out what was wrong. After the installation was complete, I was able to connect remotley. Went home and came back the next day and couldn't get in remotely anymore so I call ed tech support back and spent an hour and a half with tow techs and another engineer and they couldn't find the reason why. So, it got escalated to Gwen North. Spent another hour ont eh phone with her, another tech and the developers of eManager (I'm pretty well know now!) who discovered that when I loaded eManager 5 the remote .dll file (I think that is what they said) to allow me to do dial up didn't get registered during the install. They beleive this was becasue I still ad WinAdmin stuff in the registry.

It's all fixed now, but what a pain!! I guess tech support has many different issues with remote dial up, but mine was the first!

Oh, I was running IE6 not IE7, but I was in a domain, which tech support took me out of and vreated a work group for me prior to re-installing eManager 5. I also had enough momory and met all theother requirements for running eManager.