The PM had no infor?

The only way I could imagine that this would work is with a voicemail system, since there is no way the Toshiba system coiuld play or record any messages.

You did not say if this was a DK or a CIX system. I could assume that if you ar new, that you are working on a CIX. Either way it would not matter. The important item would be the voicemial.

This setup is a bit beyond what the system is capable of doing. I am sure there devices that would do what you want. But if I really had to do it, it would involve creating a voicemail box with the pre-recoded greeting in greeting one, then doing some Token programing that would execute when called with something like this in the extension field;
Not sure if this would work. A long time ago I created a voicemail Park and page that would announce the persons name over the page, and then park the caller on their extension.