Woe is me! I switched to a PC with a regular com port - tried a different cable - tried both R4ADMIN and VM Manager, and I still can't get connected to the Stratagy IVP8. I get a response of handshaking error on VM Manager, and a response of NO ECHO and NO GOOD OK on the R4ADMIN.

I am beginning to think the IVP8 has a problem. I have not tried rebooting the PBX yet- I suppose I can try that but will need to make a visit outside of business hours to do so....

I would like to hear from those of you with more experience on the IVP8. I have only done a couple of these....... is there any history of the prot failing on the VM? Does anyone think a reboot of the PBX might help?

All functions are currently working on the VM, but I do need to add a couple of mailboxes, and would like to set the VM to snch to the PBX for time.

All input appreciated!
