Like Toolie, I'm trying to get into an IVP8 R2 (Black Front). I'm using:
Stratagy VM Manager v 1.7 on Windows server 2008r2 64bit
My connection is a USB to Null 9 pin Serial cable (StarTech - ICUSB232FTN)
Connected to COM1 on the IVP8 to USB set to COM1
Com1 is set to:
Bits per Sec 57600
Data Bits: 8
Parity None
Stop bits: 1
Flow Control: None

I'm using what I was told is the default Password (PM me to check).
I get the response of:Handshake Failed. Wrong baud rate or other serial link parameter is incorrect.

Cable info:

Anyone have any idea what I may not be doing correctly to make this connect?