Agreed, and well put.

Respect, courtesy and professionalism are traits that sadly enough seem to no longer be in fashion.

If you saw the 66 blocks and switch/data cabling at my office .... you'd know I'm the first to admit that people should stick to their realm of expertise.... man it's a god awful mess. Not as bad as some pics I've seen here, but far, far worse than what you guys were able to walk me through in my own home install.

I've tried to live by "do it right the first time, or don't do it at all".

Nowadays most people run with "get it done now, even if you don't know what you are doing - just make it 'work'".

Just a lack of respect for people, skills, trades, and most importantly the work to be done all around.

But hey... if we put that aside for a minute... (at least I know it's true in my case).... if it weren't for all the people doing things wrong the first time... both my workload and pay would be much less.

Funny thing is with programming... (and this is true of most all programmers I've ever known, including myself).... they look at their own work 3 to 6 months after doing it and say "what a mess.... what the h*** was I thinking when I did that?