Odd that Vertical didn't comment on COS. Vodavi support was always very clear on leaving COS settings at default. That was disappointing, but with a budget Flash VM, what we get is what we get. Once you default it and reinitialize, your problem may go away. Yes, clean power and grounding is also important but I have many systems on shared circuits and good UPS's that have been running for years with no problems (knock on wood). If you continue to have garbage, it wouldn't hurt to upgrade. A possible bad load of 20052 could be involved. These and all the above suggestions have always cleared my problems of this nature. I have no issues with a good UPS but cheap ones with a square wave are trouble in spades. If the sine wave is at least properly simulated like in the Minuteman Enterprise and other similar commercial systems, you should be ok. Avoid the entry level ones like the plague.

- Dave S. -

You can never appease your ideologue opponents.