Derrick Wrote:

"Nope, the phone is bad, but I have seen them come back later.

I know my fellow Vodaviers loved the STS, but I am not that sorry to see the phones go...the phonesets are not that good. Hookswitch issues, displays go out. It is my opionion the SBX sets are much better."

While I agree that the hookswitches should have been designed a little differently, I have only had about 4 or 5 failures, usually due to slamming the handset down. As far as displays go, yes I agree they do seem to have problems, maybe 1 out of 8 after 3 years of use, however I think the SBX hasn't been out long enough to say they won't have the same problem. We shall see. Other than voip, the SBX is still not as good as the STS. VM, finicky settings, call back button is the vm button (wtf), wiring pinout is bizzare,cell phone notification is hit or miss, ect. But it is what it is, SBX is the new kid on the block, and I have to live with it or go through a major headache and switch dealerships. At my age, it's not worth the trouble. Not slamming your comment Derrick, just disagreeing with you, but you're still all right in my book, I don't care what Ed and Dave say about you. Haha

"I thought I was wrong once, but I was mistaken"