you can do caller id without a mif card (mif card will store the callerid) so 7-1 might not be an issue. but check the co cards under 7-1 and make sure that they are set for coid not just coi.

same with 7-3-04. need a mif card.

1-1-78 is where you put the stations to receive the caller id (up to 16)

4-49, 4-37, 4-38 are probably a non issue. it's just for car keys. you probably don't have lines ringing to car keys.

the class of service stuff i'd check.

4-01, 4-02 ringing i would check. the lines have to ring the stations in order to see the callerid

3-42, 3-43 are also a non issue. dit/ana would make it ring only in 1 place