Hi Guys, I have a question for you.

I've been using dual monitors for quite a while. I couldn't work without them any more. I love the screen real estate.

Anyway, that actually has nothing to do with my question.

The question is, I have a public computer that our employees can access and use. We've been talking about an electronic message board for us to use to communicate messages to them, while in the office, news updates, etc. Then I had the idea of setting up a second monitor on that computer and forcing it to look at a webpage that just constantly refreshes every 5 minutes or so. Or something to that effect.

My question is, does anyone know of a way to set up dual monitors and run a program so that it runs on the second monitor and then NOT allow anyone to change anything on the second monitor?

I've not really come up with anything other than setting up an older computer to act as the message board only.
