Question: Does anyone use a MP3 Player* in HOT environments?

Scenario: I like to listen to 'books on tape' at the gym, this includes the sauna (190 degrees for 20-30 minutes).

Yes I know heat is EXTREMELY bad for electronics! I cringe when I see the fools in there with their 4G phones...but I suppose if you have a great maintenance plan...

So, I purchased a 4 GB MP3 player for $19 and it lasted a couple years. I think it is developing battery issues (NOTE: the MP3 is charged through the USB port).

This products sounds okay...on those few times I surf the North Oregon Coast:

but at $150!?!?!? I think my $20.00 was a better buy.

Oh, yes I put a "*" at the beginning of the post:

*everything from .aa to .ZVR files I can deal with.


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