While working with Vertical support (Vic, Scott Downer, and Lidell Rush) they were not able to change the tone to correct the problem. Two weeks ago support gave us helped my tech disable the tone temporarily, the voice mail operated properely and the call wasn't dropped. We have worked with Vertical engineers and they do not have a solution at this time.

As for Verizon, we are meeting them at a customers site hopefully some time next week (they never got back to me Wednesday to confirm as promised) to run a protocal analyzer test that watches the call from point to point. To date, when they view the call from their office it doesn't give the appearance the call is dropped. We know different since the call is dropped when listening on the 66 block.

The good news is I have four customers making alot of noise at Verizon and they are continuing to work on the problem. I'll keep everyone posted after the test.