The system recognizes that an ATI-D is attached thus no programming is required. However, I did program the ports (26, 27, 28, 29) as VM ports. And once that is done, checking them with a butt set doesn't give me anything useful. When I dial sta 26 I get a busy tone (ditto for the other ports).
I don't have access to keylink so the phone will have to do. As far as additional programming on the DSU for serial integration, I would like to know what that could be? Visual VM in the switch doesn't need to be adjusted as far as I can determine. The software version in the DSU II is 05A (and BTW it is an 816 with two expansion modules). Can the debut work without serial integration and get all signalling thru the station ports? Right now, I would simply like to get to the supervisor's box and/or have the system answer an intercom call.