Originally posted by Deltron:
We have also figured out that extension 110 using an 8 port expansion card has a problem with military time and buttons that light up for no apparent reason. We are not sure if the 16 port expansion card has this issue with 110.
I'm experiencing the same issue with port/extension 110 having its buttons light up for no reason on the 8-port expansion card on a new DX-120 system. I already unassigned the features and swapped out phones. It might be a coincidence its port 110 as your problem is, but I'm suspecting a dirty phone jack (an upside down mounted wall jack that's been there at least 15 years) or a bad cable that is causing noise (I've seen a Progressive Electronics toner cause a DX-80 phone's buttons to light up). I replaced the wall jack and used the spare paris...will see what happens for a week.