
I am not sure if I am dealing with a defective LAN card but the mac address is being displayed as " FFFFFFFFFFF"

I know there was a problem with the phone lines that caused the system to reset a few months ago. I honest can't remember if the MAC was FFFFFFFFFFF before that date. I thought it use to be a number but I am really not sure.

Also, I have tried to setup the PCMMC remote software.

I have assigned the system an the correct settings of:

IP address
Subnet mask
LAN gateway
PCMMC address
Remote M/A Addr

However the PCMMC software just won't connect.

I am thinking that maybe my LAN card may be defective or damage.

I thought the mac address use to be like an actual serial number not the same leter repeting.

It kind of like seeing a social security number as 666-66-6666.

Please let me know what you guys think.

Thanks for your help.