Here is the deal, we have a doctor's office with an iDCS100 and an SVMi-4E. Extension/mailbox 224 is the doctors emergency mailbox. She wants whenever people leave a message in that mailbox for it to call a pager. If they don't check the message in 15 minutes then to call her house phone. If the house phone doesn't answer then call her cell phone.

So how would I do this? The old Starmails was easy to setup this way but now the SVMi is throwing me off. I know I can setup the mailbox 224 to call the pager. Then setup the auto-forward to another mailbox (say 225) after 1 try waiting for 15 minutes. But then the message is now in mailbox 224 and 225. Then if 225 doesn't answer then it auto-forwards to mailbox 226 and now there are three messages, the same message, in all three mailboxes. I just need to know how to set this up...
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