We did try a cross over cable and that didn't help.

But the situation is solved. We sent the card back and no, it is not defective. The distributor's tech informed us that there is a plastic cover and the dip switches are itsy-bitsy.

An IT guy of at least 40 years experience, me, my partner and the Telepacific guy all looked for the dip switches and none of us could find them.

The manual said they were there but we couldn't find them. Thanks for saying they are TINY Noisycow, they are so well hidden we had to conclude we had a newer card. I mean I want to see those dip switches, if four experienced techs can't find them with a manual, I say revise the manual.

Thank you everyone for your help, I'm not usually stumped but having TINY dip switches covered by plastic is not what I would have suspected.

And speaking of crossover cables Noisycow, I just moved a Norstar MICS and the previous CLEC required a T-1 crossover cable for the PRI and Verizon required a straight through, now how do you figure that?

THE Bracha, old blond specialist in Rube Goldberg solutions.