Can anyone post pictures of a partial 25 pair termination on a 66 block with cleaned up extra pairs so I can have a visual reference? Namely what Sam is talking about. Just trying to wrap this n00b head around what I should do to be "future-tech-friendly".

Sam to answer some of your questions:
KSU/Partner will replace the 1A2 in Pic A above. So the cross-connect that's already wired to the 66 will be reterminated like you suggest on a new 66 at the KSU.

I figure at some of the station ends that haven't been hacked (most have intact amphenols connected to the existing system phones), I will just use the amphenol/modular 153 adapter. It seems cleaner to me than cutting and wiring to a biscuit... Less mess less fuss and quite simply uses 1/26, 2/27. I already bought jacks and 153 adapters to cover the entire job, so I can mix and match as needed. Of course I have no amphenols at the system end, so it's just raw wire there termed to the existing 66 in Pic B. Is there some sort of disadvantage to using the adapters?

Quick digression: How come my avatar won't display?