I haven't plugged them into anything! They're the first pulls of a longer salvage operation; I'll eventually have all the components including the KSU, but I don't think the manual(s) will be found (that's an unknown at this time).

Will the KSU function on a standard, single telephone line, or does it require a minimum of two? What happens if you connect the KSU to a single line?

The site this system is pulled from had two-line roll-over; if I recall correctly, that worked out to two physical phone lines from the local telco central office (indistinguishable from the more simple case of having two phone lines by just inspecting the wiring in the basement).

Seems to me that functions such as hold etc should still work on a single line, and that the system should generally perform identically (to the two-line installation it came from) unless there is a second inbound call (or of course if one wanted to make a second (outbound) call, while a call is in progress).


As an aside, my name isn't Lana, so I don't suppose people will be falling over themselves to answer my questions. I noticed that 'Lana' gets a PDF of the entire system manual e-mailed to her, whereas 'Tex' or 'Chuck' or 'Bill' gets the could shoulder.

Is it somehow less illegal to send the copyrighted PDF (with the schematics and things I need) to a woman? [Linked Image from sundance-communications.com]

I can be Lana for you, if it will speed things along.