
ESI uses some proprietary format, which is almost some form of raw audio. I was able to open a prompt file in Goldwave, and behind much noise, I could make out what the prompt said.

In general, the entire prompt and music system is very limiting and frustrating. If I want to upgrade to new software, I then have to re-record EVERY custom prompt. ESI supports up to 99 branches in the AA. If a system used them all, that's at least 99 re-recordings. Then, there's the user directory and voicmail... ESI's biggest system could have at least 500 users, and another couple hundred general purpose mailboxes.... One thing standing in the way of progress for the upgrade, is my boss having a few dozen recorded calls and numerous voicemails in his mailbox. Downloading them from the system isn't even real-time, it's 1:3 (actual time:download time). The admin app has the capability to backup the prompts, but not voicemail... doesn't matter though, backed up prompts can't be loaded after a new OS.

Rob Cashman
Customer Support Engineer