
We experienced a power outage and it must have fried the controller card in the box.

I took the hard drive from the box...attached the dongle on the printer port, and changed the autoexec.bat and config.sys to reflect memory management. (autoexec.386 and config.386)

I'm able to access everything on the HD just fine but can't even get the 3 device drivers to load properly. (ASPI4DOS.SYS; USPI14.SYS & DPTDDL.SYS).

btw, the box I'm using is x686 with 32MB. I am using the oldest box I have.

Is this even possible or is the Infostar box propietary?


[email protected]

System: Executone 228 w/Infostar VX2 VM
Version: ECPU 6.0.5 02/28/96
Options: LCR VMS 432 CA1 BACD Att