how would that be stealing... honestly the only reason i want to do this myself is because. one) i love doing this stuff and 2) the phone company isn't gonna be able to come out TODAY sothat its ready tomorrow.

maybe you think im trying to run a connection to some far off random place. its still on his property its adjacent to his house you can see both from each other and they used to have a line that went from the shop back to the house. but since they no longer had the shop business line or number when our phone company decided to bury the cables. the bastards just chopped the wire off and didn't connect it back how it used to be running to the house cause they figured no one would ever use it again.

so i have to suffer and shell out cash if they even make me pay but worst of all i have to give my time for them to fix something that should of already been done but they just wanted to shortcut and ASSUMED it wouldn't be used. i mean what if i didn't have a second phone line but we used it for an intercom system. and they just didn't hook the wires up. im thinking one of those sets of wires runs to the single connection inside of the pedestal outside of the shop and they just didn't splice it back with the wires that run to the NID of the shop.

i dont consider this stealing as i would consider it a favor... cause i would not be paying this and since they are a legal monopoly and have to do a bunch of dumb stuff its much easier to wrap them.