Blackberry is who I was thinking of...not iPhone. And of course the Blackberry is already "free" and don't need jailbreaking.

As far as Verizon goes, I'd say they stepped on their own body parts by not adopting 2G early on, but nobody really knew whether that approach to slicing and dicing the airways would gain the upper hand (who would guess that Hydrox made the first chocolate/creme cookie, yet ultimately have it's clock cleaned by Oreo). My problem with Verizon is that they are not only smug about their decision, but also refuse to admit that their network is just as clogged as AT&T's. In Southern California, I'd say they rival each other in cell site hand-off failures.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not a cheerleader for the AT&T network--nobody despises their customer service as much as I do. Even so, I find that their product works well enough with my Motorola that I don't look elsewhere for service.

@Mike: Good to know. If that's how things really are (and you would know), then I can't count on for unbiased info.

"Press play and record at the same time" -- Tim Alberstein