I have a quandry. Customer has an XTS-IP, single cabinet, MPB I, Rev. 3.0, and ACD. Up until now day, night, and special modes of operation has been sufficient for the one ACD group that is set up. The group handles calls from multiple customers who dial into the group via D.I.D.. My customer knows who is calling and therefore how to answer based on the D.I.D. label. Calls from each D.I.D. are routed to the group or voice mail based on day, night, and special modes Flash 43. Now we need a fourth mode. Of course there are only three. There is a tenat feature on the XTS. My question is, can a member of one tenant group be a member of an ACD group which resides in another tenat group? If so, should I be able to create more ACD groups in another tenat group and have that tenat group route calls based on the day, night, special mode of the tenat group separately from the main tenat group? Sorry to so long winded. Thanks.

Jim Dickey